Elizabeth Brewer, Whidbey Island Campus ASSVC President and President’s Medal Recipient


With many family members and friends in attendance, Skagit Valley College (SVC) Whidbey Island Campus celebrated student achievement at the College’s 62nd Annual Honors Reception on June 5th at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge. Between the Mount Vernon and the Whidbey Island Campus ceremonies this year, over $450k in scholarships were awarded to SVC students. In addition, many departmental and club awards were presented.

Dr. Tom Keegan, SVC President, and Dr. Laura Cailloux, Vice President of the Whidbey Island Campus and Centers, awarded the President’s Medal to seven students for their outstanding academic achievement. To qualify, each recipient must be a graduating sophomore, have all A or A- grades, and have attended SVC for at least three quarters. President’s Medals were awarded to Cynthia Benitz, Elizabeth Brewer, Brenden Darnell, Reilly Pena, Jennifer Pinch, Gabriel Quinn, and Tiaralyn Torr.

Elizabeth Brewer was recognized for her leadership and service as the Associated Students of Skagit Valley College (ASSVC) President for the Whidbey Island Campus.

Whidbey Island Honors Reception 2019This year, two exceptional students were nominated for the Yates Award, the highest award bestowed at the Whidbey Island Campus. Named for the former admiral and commanding officer of NAS Whidbey who was instrumental in working with SVC to secure property for the Whidbey Island Campus, the Yates Award honors a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership, community service, and academic achievement.                                                     

The Yates Award recipient this year was Desirae Bradley. Among her many accomplishments at SVC, Desirae served as ASSVC Treasurer. As an officer, she chose a project that is a concern for many college students: food insecurity. Through her efforts, a food pantry was established for SVC students and she also coordinated several food drives to help provide students with access to fresh fruit, staples, and toiletries. In addition, Desirae has been a leader in the Student Life office, providing program and event ideas, a staffing schedule, and energy for whatever needed to be accomplished. Desirae hopes to pursue a neuroscience degree next fall.

Yates Award nominee Christian King joined the ASSVC this year as a student representative and hit the ground running. He met with all first quarter experience classes to invite new students to join Student Life, offer advice for their success, and serve as a “go to” person should they have any questions. In addition, he worked with the Basic Education for Adults classes this spring. As a class volunteer, he worked one-on-one with students to mentor and encourage them and began a volunteer program for all students. Chris is pursuing his Nursing prerequisites and plans to become a registered nurse.

The faculty at South Whidbey Center presented the South Whidbey Center Academic Excellence Award to Gracie McGill. Gracie’s instructors describe her as very conscientious and hardworking.

Carol Huber started the South Whidbey Center at Bayview many years ago and served as the first director of the Center. The Carol Huber Award is awarded to a South Whidbey Center student who has shown academic scholarship and exceptional achievement. This year’s award, along with a $300 scholarship, was presented to Tristan Campbell. Because of his hard work and success, Tristan was asked to join the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. In addition, he earned the Presidential Volunteer Service Award for his years of work at the M-Bar-C Ranch, an organization that works with disabled children. He has also been active in 4-H and has held multiple leadership positions within the organization.

Scholarships awarded that evening include:

Alberta Schulz Scholarship

Michelle Roman

Alice and Harold Kenney Memorial Scholarship

Jennifer Brown

Anacortes Public Library Foundation Maritime Scholarship


Beauregard Bruckner

David Jonas

Jolinda Saindon

Bangston Memorial Scholarship

Courtney Tingley

Meriah Wood

Betty J. Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Felicia Newbold

C. Harry and Anne Williams Scholarship

Beatriz Espinoza

Ariana Mclain,

Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Members Scholarship

Michelle Roman

Commander William Overby Scholarship

Kendra Warwick

Dakota Art Store Scholarship

Angelica Takacs

Denise Noble and Beverly Erickson Scholarship

Juliana Covarrubias

Ariana Mclain

Ferguson Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Thomas Ehler

Harry and Myra Roller Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Amber Weingart

Jennie M. Wright Memorial Endowment

Hannah Shinn

John Terrey Scholarship

Angelyka Wood

Joseph and Anneliese Zauchner Scholarship

Megan Taylor

Amber Weingart

Joseph T. Zygmanski Scholarship

Kate Ross

Katherine V. Cowles Nursing Scholarship




Priscilla Agyeibi

Ramsey Bender

Christian King

Jennifer Landingin

Jessica Laursen

Rosemary Luna

Rashell McGrath

Natalie Merrill

Carmen Moore

Taiwo Okafor

Barbara Smith

Sarah Ulam

April Williamson-Stach

Ken Thiessen | Shirley Hansen Scholarship

Crishadiane Jugo

Lina A. Jacobson Ryan Nursing Scholarship

Jason Garcia

Jenelle Rosario

Marine Technology Scholarship

Luke Flowers

Alex Knudtson

Max and Pauline Dale Scholarship

Hannah Shinn

Melvin and Oscar Peterson / Henry Tenneson Memorial Scholarship

Elica June Atienza

Osborne Scholarship

Desirae Bradley

Crishadiane Jugo

Polly Harpole Guild Charlotte Dowler Scholarship

Brianne McMahon

Polly Harpole Guild Wilma Patrick Scholarship

Kelsey Woodward

Rainbow Alliance Scholarship

Jacklyn Anderson

Regency on Whidbey Scholarship

Emilie Hanson

Yesenia Leon

Robert E. Fitzgerald Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Shanice Crosby

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Dan Carter President’s Scholarship

Geneva Ross

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Community Service Scholarship

Carlos Daniel Santos

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Sandra Jeane Crank-Mulkey Scholarship

Jessica Bond

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Butch and Kathy Laurion Scholarship

Obaidur Malik

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Dorothy Neil Scholarship

Vanessa Batalla

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Edgar Samelson Scholarship

Zachary Tedder

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Captain Roy Seth Scholarship

Steven Schoeneck

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Jacob Solin Scholarship 

John MacKinnon

Rotary Club of North Whidbey Sunrise – Bob and Carol Wall Scholarship

Presila Gentle

Rucilla’s Scholarship

Felicia Newbold

Ruth and Wallace Crawford Memorial Scholarship

Emilie Hanson

SVC Marine Technology Scholarship

Christina Wine

Teri Silva Scholarship

Amanda Attwood

Washington Restaurant Association Prostart Scholarship

Hannah Shinn

Whidbey Island Bank Golf Classic Scholarship


Krishelle Donaldson

Samantha Lopez

Brianne McMahon

Michael Nyawir

Savannah Rose

Angelica Takacs

Wilbur Ivey Scholarship

Jessica Cole

William and Kathleen Massey Scholarship




Lanaya Addis

Vanessa Batalla

Sierra Bennett

Krista Enneberg

Barbara Jackson

Laura Jiles

Yesenia Leon

McKenzie Olsen

Savannah Rose

Gabrielle Schiller

Alicia Timm

Courtney Tingley

Hana Wiedrich

Meriah Wood

William D. Werner Memorial Scholarship

Michael Walker

Julianna Wilson

William ‘Will’ Dayton Memorial Scholarship

David Rix

South Whidbey Center Awards

Academic Award

Gracie McGill

Carol Huber Award

Tristan Campbell

Department and Club Awards

Faculty members nominate and select the outstanding student from each college department during the spring. Each selection is based on outstanding course work, intellectual pursuit and extra effort in that department.


Asian Pacific Islanders Club

Samantha Watkins


Della Toney

College Career Bridge (BEdA)

Dovi Sewah


Juliana Covarrubias

English and Literature

Jennifer Juniper

English Language Acquisition (BEdA)

Jorge Escobar

Journalism Club

Elizabeth Brewer


James Hayes

Marine Maintenance Technology

Kyle Sikes


Zachary Anter


Helen Smith

Physical Education

Clifton Cates

Social Sciences

Willow Wolfkillyaple

Student Life

Christian King

Veterans’ Club

Michelle Roman

Veterans’ Education

Thomas Ehler

President’s Medals

Awarded to graduating sophomores who have maintained a 3.90 or 4.00 GPA as of Winter Quarter with no I or Z grades in course work over the 100 series. Credits received only within the last five years will be considered towards the GPA; all transfer credits used to meet degree requirements must also be A+’s or A-‘s and the student must have attended SVC for a minimum of three quarters.

Cynthia Benitz

Elizabeth Brewer

Brenden Darnell

Reilly Pena

Jennifer Pinch

Gabriel Quinn

Tiaralyn Torres


Yates Award

Each year outstanding students from the Whidbey Island Campus are selected through a nomination process and are reviewed by a student, faculty, and staff selection committee for the Yates Award.


Desirae Bradley

Christian King

Yates Award Winner: Desirae Bradley