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Types of Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

They are measurable (assessable) statements about what students are expected to know or will be able to do at the end of a course or program. They are student-centered statements that focus on essential evidence of knowledge, performance, products, or skills that students will develop as a result of learning.



The purpose of learning outcomes assessment is to ensure that students are equitably achieving learning goals. Outcomes assessment helps faculty to identify specific improvements that need to be made to curriculum and pedagogy. Learning outcomes assessment is also one of the tools faculty and administration use to make informed decisions that meet the needs of our students, disciplines, and community.


Types of Learning Outcomes

  1. General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs): 

    General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs) are the common skills, knowledge, and abilities that are required in all associate degree programs at Skagit Valley College, regardless of program. GELOs define the common skills, knowledge, and abilities students can expect to develop by the time they graduate. All degree-seeking students at SVC are expected to attain GELOs.

  2. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

    Program learning outcomes (PLOs) are the measurable knowledge, skills, and abilities that students can expect to develop by the end of a program. They inform the content, design, and delivery of all courses within a program. Competency in program learning outcomes is essential to students’ success in their future academic and/or career endeavors.

  3. Course-Specific Learning Outcomes (CSLOs)

    Course-specific learning outcomes (CSLOs) are the measurable knowledge, skills, and abilities that students can expect to develop by the end of a course. They inform the content, design, and delivery of a course. If a general education outcome or program outcome is mapped to a course, that outcome is considered one of the course outcomes.

  4. Degree or Certificate Learning Outcomes (DLOs).

    Together, program learning outcomes, general education learning outcomes, and course-specific outcomes make up each degree or certificate’s learning outcomes (DLOs = GELOs + PLOs + CSLOs).