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Color Palettes

The colors we choose and how we combine those colors with other visual elements create the SVC brand’s unique expression. Cardinal Red and White, with Black complementing, are the foundation of the SVC color palette.

Primary Colors

These colors serve as the brand’s primary palette for print, electronic, and environmental applications. Consistent use of these colors will contribute to the cohesive and harmonious look of the SVC brand identity across all relevant media.

Examples of primary colors

Cardinal Red
  • Pantone: PMS 187C
  • CMYK: 21, 100, 88, 15
  • RGB: 171, 25, 45
  • HEX: #ab192d
  • CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
  • RGB: 255, 255, 255
  • HEX: #ffffff
  • CMYK: 100, 100, 100, 100
  • RGB: 0, 0, 0
  • HEX: #000000

Secondary Colors

SVC’s secondary colors can add a different tone to a design while remaining true to the college’s official red, white, and black brand identity. However, these colors should not be used as part of the SVC logo.

Examples of secondary colors

Skagit Gray
  • Pantone: PMS 445 C
  • CMYK: 50, 28, 24, 65
  • RGB: 51, 51, 51
  • HEX: #333333
Light Gray
  • Pantone: PMS 442 C
  • CMYK: 23, 7, 12, 18
  • RGB: 153, 153, 153
  • HEX: #999999
Cardinal Gold
  • Pantone: PMS 129 C
  • CMYK: 0, 11, 78, 0
  • RGB: 243, 208, 62
  • HEX: #f3d03e