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It is important to recognize that the online classroom is in fact a classroom, and certain behaviors are expected when you communicate with both your peers and your instructors. These guidelines for online behavior and interaction are known as “netiquette”. Good netiquette involves respecting the privacy of others, not doing anything online that will disturb or frustrate other people, and not abusing computing resources at the college. The following netiquette guidelines are suggested practice for success in your online learning environment.


Your password is the only thing protecting you from pranks or more serious harm.

  • Don’t share your password with anyone
  • Change your password if you think someone else might know it
  • Always logout when you are finished using the system
  • Many web browsers will offer to remember your password. Never allow your password to be stored on a computer for public use
  • Remember that the law still applies in online space. Do not commit illegal acts online, such as libeling or slandering others, and do not joke about committing illegal acts

Email and Discussion Forums

  1. Take your message seriously: Use clear and concise language. Review, check your spelling and grammar prior to sending your message.
  2. Be brief and respectful of others’ time: If your message is short and to the point, people will be more likely to read it. Avoid sending an e-mail to the entire class, unless you feel that everyone needs to read it.
  3. Avoid slang terms and sarcasm: The meaning and tone is sometimes lost in an email or discussion post and your message might be taken out of context, seriously or offensive.
  4. Capital letters and bolding: In written communication, the use of capital letters and/or bolding is used for emphasis. In much of the corporate world, writing in all caps is considered yelling. Yelling is not tolerated in a residential classroom and, therefore, is not acceptable in any online communications.
  5. Keep personal beliefs out of classroom: Be courteous and respectful of others by keeping politics and religion out of classroom discussion unless the instructor has invited such contribution.
  6. Disagree respectfully: Be respectful of opinions of others even when they differ from your own. When you disagree with someone, you should express your differing opinion in a respectful, non-critical way.
  7. Maintain a positive tone: When composing a message, ask yourself: “Would I say this to the person face-to-face?” Avoid any language or activities that marginalize others, discrimination of any kind and prejudice. Remember that the ease and speed of the Internet makes it easy to say or do something you may regret later.
  8. Keep personal information private: Posting private information in the wrong location can have serious consequences. Remember that revealing too much information could give those with bad intentions valuable information they can use to harm you or to harm others.
  9. Respect copyrights, intellectual property, and confidentiality. You may not post, transmit, promote, or distribute content that you know or could reasonably be expected to know is illegal, or content that violates confidentiality, copyright, or other protected intellectual property rights. For example, do not forward a personal email message without asking permission of the person who sent it to you. You should forward a personal message only if you are sure the sender approves, and the message does provide value to the people you are forwarding it to.
  10. Don’t respond to personal attacks: Do not make personal or insulting remarks. Contact your instructor for action and referral if you feel uncomfortable.
  11. If you are new to online learning: It may help to observe how people communicate with each other before you jump into online discussions, join chat rooms, or post information on course Web space.
  12. Be forgiving: Online class is much like a classroom and a safe environment is held in high regard for the learning process to occur. Your classmates put out what they think and make mistakes, which is a part of the learning process. If your classmate makes a mistake, don’t badger him or her for it. Just let it go.

Pictures and Graphics

Make sure that your class pictures or graphics are not offensive or intimidating to your classmates and members of the SVC community.  For example, Canvas (a learning management system) allows you to add a picture to your profile that will be displayed for all of your classes including discussion forums, gradebook, etc. Adding a profile picture is not required, but is a great way for your classmates and instructors to know you.

There are also best practices you must consider to ensure that your picture is not offensive or violates copyright laws and/or SVC Student Code of Conduct. Your profile picture must be a professional looking photo of yourself and it should:

  • Not include individuals other than you
  • Not contain elements or messages that are offensive or intimidating

Please do not copy or distribute pictures or graphics of your classmates or instructors without their prior consent. Skagit Valley College has the right to remove your pictures that are not appropriate for a classroom setting and hold you accountable. 



The eLearning office is your connection to the college. We are here to answer your questions and assist you. For General questions, email us at or call us at 360.416.2562.

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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

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